Thursday, May 31, 2012

A letter to the friends, neighbors & supporters of Chris Nye

Mark Twain once said that “the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”   I’m no Mark Twain but the reports of me leaving University Place City Council have been greatly exaggerated.

In 2012 Pierce County has a new voting district that includes University Place, Fircrest and parts of Tacoma.  I am running for this newly created position.  City Council is a part-time leadership position, and most members have “real-life” jobs too.  Some of those jobs are in business and some are in government, and this breadth of knowledge makes them more qualified to serve.  I intend to serve on both the county council AND the city council.

Good people go to work every day to provide the core services that are rightfully within the scope of local government.   They do what their leaders ask, they do it well, and they deserve to be guided by policies set by innovative people who have the leadership experience necessary to make good decisions.  After winning the 2011 UP Council race, I’ve demonstrated this year that I’m committed to keeping local government focused on the provision of core services, specifically public safety and infrastructure. 

Pierce County is facing a potentially transformational event when the US Open comes to Chambers Bay in 3 years.  The world, as well as Fortune 500 employers, will be watching and making decisions about where they want to live, work, shop, play and conduct business.  I am a third generation entrepreneur with a lifelong passion for the business of golf, preparing me unlike any other candidate to help our region realize long-term economic benefits from the US Open.

I’m asking for your support at the polls and I’m asking you to stand beside me with a financial contribution.  Every amount will make a difference, so please make out those checks to “Friends of Chris Nye.”  If you would like to help with a yard sign, or host a town hall meeting, that would be great too!  You can follow our progress at, and I sincerely thank you for considering an investment today with your checkbook and with your vote in August’s primary election.

Chris Nye